Connected Parenting

Connected Parenting by Jennifer Kolari

The basis of Connected parenting is the CALM method, which is essentially a therapy technique. The goal is to help you to respect and better discipline your child. CALM is an acronym for Connect, Affect, Listen, and Mirror.

Connect – Verbally show that you understand your child’s point of view and what they see as their primary problem.

Affect – Take on a milder version of the mood your child is displaying. This is not to mock but to show non-verbal empathy.

Listen – Try to get your child to talk more about how they are feeling and do not interject your own analysis or opinions.

Mirror – This is the goal, you will find you have a moment of understanding and this is called “mirroring.”

This is basically the starting place of where you can find common ground to start for offering your advice or discipline.

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