
Sharkwater stood out in the library as an unusual documentary. It’s a balance between a nature film of sharks in their native habitats and a stand against shark finning, a practice decimating shark populations.

Interesting facts:

  • Sharks have remained largely unchanged for over 400 million years, surviving 5 great extinctions.
  • The number of shark attacks is extremely small, especially when you consider the number of humans in shark territory.  The real number is about 5 per year and most shark bites do not break flesh, they are exploratory.
  • Shark finning involves cutting off the fins and throwing the entire body back into the ocean, usually alive.  The fin is worth so much more than the meat and space in boats is limited.
  • Long line fishing with baits at fixed intervals kills indiscriminately, any surface creature interested in that bait.  Long lines can be more than 60 miles long.
  • Some positive legislation came through since this movie’s release in 2007, including the 2011 Shark Conservation Act.

Rob Stewart’s dangerous work to save sharks defies explanation.  You have to see this one for yourself!

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