Fruit Salad Tips and Tricks

I’ve spent literally weeks of my life making fruit salad over the past few years. There are some definite tricks that I’ve learned and I thought I’d share, though this is technically not a recipe! Buy fruit that you like and is seasonal, with some care to whether or not it will work in the overall fruit salad you are making. Some fruits do not blend well.

Rule #1 – Only put fruit that tastes good into the fruit salad, so you must eat fruit as you chop! It will ruin all of your fruit salad if you add bad tasting fruit. You can get away with some bland fruit that soaks up juice, but bad fruit will wreck your salad and your efforts will be wasted.

Rule #2 – Always cut grapes if you are using them. Cut in half and put them at the bottom to soak. Grapes are terrific for soaking up juice if they are split.

Rule #3 – Put the juiciest fruit on top so the juice drips down. I like to leave a fruit salad soaking for at least an hour.

Rule #4 – If you are using citrus, only cut about half of the fruit and squeeze the juice of the other half over the top.

Rule #5 – I never use apples and bananas in a fruit salad. I think the texture doesn’t work well to blend with other fruits, and I prefer to save my bananas for eating and banana bread. Apples are nice for eating and baking too.

Here’s a photo of one of my more recent fruit salads, after mixing. This fruit salad has grapes, strawberries, mango, and orange.


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