Updating Blog to Reflect Life

Hmm…. It seems to be a while since I’ve posted. And a good while before that since I’ve organized my blog to reflect my current life! The time has come to change my blog, get with the times. This is a screen shot of my current blog, hopefully it will look different by the time you are reading this.

Current Blog
Here are my ideas to modernize my blog and make it more fun and friendly:

– Welcome page when you land on it to introduce myself and what I’m all about instead of directly onto my blog.

– Separate page for blog so people only go there if they choose to.

– New page with quilts with my best quilts and stories about them.

– Updated header photo to something more recent, this one is of the Blasket Islands from June 2016

I also challenge myself to write a fresh blog every month. Something happy and fun and interesting. It could be a quilt, it could be a recipe, just something. I’ve been slacking!

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