Kitchen Sunburst

This quilt represents a huge breakthrough for me. Paula Rafferty designed this for a class I am taking with her, it is the middle block of an extremely large sampler quilt. I decided that I wanted to make it for my new blue kitchen, so I picked the colors for the sun in the sky. I picked fabrics from my growing stash as the different color spikes. There are no two pieces the same size, and I spent many late nights at work getting all the pieces cut and organized and eventually pieced together. I sewed it in 5 sections, then fit them together and got that middle yellow in using a reverse applique technique so it would be solidly in.


Paula took the quilt top back at this stage and she did the quilting on her longarm machine. This proved necessary as it was not pulling evenly – that is a nice way of saying that it was quite wavy! Paula worked wonders with the quilting, she did a magnificent job.


I’m very pleased with this piece and I love that I see it all the time. It is always a sunny day in my kitchen!

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